111 miles run and clean water for 8! I am truly amazed that we have made a difference in so many lives already! This month I registered for both the Twin Cities Marathon and the Ragnar Relay-Great River, 200 some miles split between 6 runners in 36ish hour (my first Ragnar experience! 😳) . I was also able to get a few trail miles in and get out the running stroller. I'm looking forward to March and hitting the trails more in prep for the Trail Mix 25k. Running on trail really has become more meaningful as the experience of being off road holds a closer though still distant connection for me to the experience of the water walk that women and children do every day to gather water for their families (see source video below). I'm praying for deeper understanding and the ability to relay the need for clean water access more succinctly and powerfully over the coming months. Thank you for your prayerful support of the world's neediest.